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4 Easy Steps to Starting a Mediation Practice in Maryland


Starting a mediation practice can be both a challenging and rewarding process. But with the proper setup, anyone in the mediation community can start a thriving practice. Whether you are a former attorney or a idealistic new comer to the field, who would like to focus energy on resolving disputes outside the court room, there are a few basic steps you can take to help you along the way! Here are 4 useful tips for the budding mediator.

Useful Mediation Tips For Practitioners

  1. Do the Research: Begin by diving into the established mediation literature. A good place to start would be “The Mediator’s Handbook” by Jennifer E. Beer.


  1. Get the Training: Next, take a basic training course. These are offered frequently by community organizations or local bar associations.  No matter what your past mediation experience, this will be beneficial in establishing real credentials.  http://www.msba.org/Events/40_Hour_Basic_Mediation_Training.aspx
  2. Volunteer and Network: One of the best ways to get some quick mediation experience is through volunteer work. In addition, Many community centers and mediation groups are in desperate need of helpful pro bono work. Plus, this will be a great way meet other mediators and get your name out in the mediation community.


  1. Find a Place to Meet Clients: One of the biggest challenges is finding a neutral location to meet your new clients. Obviously, you do not want to host a mediation in your home or at your client’s location. The best option available in Baltimore is hourly conference room or office through OFFICENSE. The rooms are fully furnished, include internet, are fully staffed, and provide the professional setting that differentiate you from competition and set you up for future referrals. The rates are very reasonable and the staff has years of experience hosting both mediation and arbitration. When it comes to finding a place to host your new practice’s first client, just call 410-814-7500.
