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All Play, No Work, Not Good

Coronavirus. Covid-19. Pandemic. Social distancing. Stay – at – Home. These are the terms that have become everyday common place for us and our lives. When faced with all of those terms, the fears of contracting the Coronavirus, as well as all of the official rules and regulations, what is there for the everyday man or woman to do? You stay at home but begin to go stir crazy. You try working from home but every time you turn around it seems that your spouse, kids, or even pets want something. You attempt to focus, even with the distractions, but realize that work is not your priority because you are not ‘at work’. You start skimping and only doing the minimum. You decide you do not like the way your work ethic is changing – but what is there to do about it?

No Privacy

You need a place you can go without distractions, where you still are going ‘to work’, and where you have the focus you need to accomplish great things. A place that you can work at, while still being socially distant from people and where you do not have to be in contact with people. You need a private office. Not one at home where people are banging on the door wanting you to … unclog the toilet or take out the trash. Maybe they just want you to make dinner or help them with their e-homework. Either way, you are not accomplishing your task at home. So where do you go to find an office where you have privacy, can accomplish your work, and can still stay socially distant from people?


Why, Officense, of course. We provide private offices for use on a regular basis (dedicated offices), an as-needed basis, and also by the hour (both are day member offices). Along with a private office, you gain superbly well trained executive assistants, knowledge that the ‘public areas’ (reception, kitchen, bathrooms and the like) are cleaned and sanitized regularly to help prevent the spread of germs, and the ability to have a conversation or to sequester yourself away as you choose. You also gain the freedom to enter day or night (with dedicated offices),

Our executive assistants can also help you by answering the phone and screening calls (no one wants to have their work interrupted by those annoying auto dialers who call every few hours). They will greet anyone that you feel a need to see and seat them in the reception area. If you need a print out or copy, you can either do it yourself or have one of the executive assistants do it for you. You also gain the advantage of no longer needing to deal with all that junk mail everyone gets – the executive assistants will sort that and deliver it to either your private mail box (just like a P. O. Box but with access at all hours of the day and night) or your office as per your choice. We’ll even forward it to your home if you’d like.

Paycheck Protection

At the moment we are also offering 30 – day services for those affected by covid-19 and only need space on a temporary basis. We now provide free application assistance for anyone interested in taking advantage of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), designed by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The Paycheck Protection Program has $350 billion for loans to help alleviate the economic downturn by keeping those employed through the COVID-19 crisis by independent contractors, sole proprietorships, or small businesses with employees. All loans may be forgiven if the borrowers maintain their payrolls during the pandemic, or restore their payrolls immediately afterward.

Business Address

To find out more information on the COVID-19 relief program, please visit https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/loans/coronavirus-relief-options/paycheck-protection-program-ppp

To download the application PDF, please visit: https://www.sba.gov/document/sba-form–paycheck-protection-program-borrower-application-form, or reach out to our sales coordinators for application assistance.

Please feel free to give us a call at 410-814-7500, email us at info@officense.com , or if you are really feeling plucky come on in and visit us to scope out the scene at 300 E Lombard St. Suite 840, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. We look forward to hearing from you – and maybe seeing you some day!