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Downtown Baltimore, the Trending Business Incubator of Maryland

Business Incubator
As a business incubator, Baltimore is the place to be if you’re a budding startup. What makes a particular location a top business incubator? Is it low-cost office space or is it business services offered within a community?

Startup Requirements

Firstly, let us examine what a startup needs to thrive. The Maryland Business Incubator Association states: “the resources that young companies need to grow [are] management guidance, technical assistance and consulting; flexible rental space; shared basic business services and equipment; virtual memberships; technology support services; and assistance in obtaining financing.” Along with these wonderful resources, a new business also needs a dedicated phone service for all their new clients to reach them. A dedicated business line, with live answering, will improve client retention for any business. Furthermore, clients like to know they can reach someone and not just a voicemail box that someone never checks.

Secondly, in addition to a live answer business line, startups need professional office space in a high traffic area without the high-priced commitment of leasing a whole office. This type of office space goes by many names: flexible space, co-working space, shared offices, or virtual office. Honestly, the list is endless! What’s important about this type of business space is that it’s a la carte. Finally, Startups should only pay for the time they need, allowing their resources to be allocated in a more practical way in the beginning of their business’s life.

Your Personal Business Incubator

In conclusion, where can you find all the best resources that the Business Incubator of Downtown Baltimore has to offer? The answer is Officense! Our facilities have a la carte executive office space and conference rooms with amenities such as high-speed Wi-Fi, executive furniture, conference capable phones, city views, address services, and fully trained executive assistants. With Officense, Executive Assistants will live-answer your calls, greet your clients, handle your mail and that’s all without you even being in the office. So, make the trip downtown and tour our facilities to begin your business incubation journey, today!

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