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Barristers Phone Answering

Being a barrister is a position of high worth that has a lot of work attached to it. Through that work, you come into contact with a large number of people. All of these people wish to speak with you at one time or another. It may not always be a good time to talk to them when they call. Due to this, you may wish to consider a barristers phone answering service. It allows you the freedom to work without interruption. Alongside this, every time someone calls you they are greeted with a live person – which is much nicer than a cold answering machine. Wikipedia says ” Their tasks include taking cases in superior courts and tribunals, drafting legal pleadings, researching the philosophy, hypothesis and history of law, and giving expert legal opinions.” that leads to a lot of people that you have to deal with.


What kinds of benefits are there to a barristers phone answering service you may ask? One is the fact that you will no longer be hounded by telemarketers and spam calls. Another benefit is the fact that calls are always live answered. This includes when you are already taking a call. Then there is the fact that some calls are very simple and basic. These calls, for example what is your fax number, can be handled by anyone and do not require your attention. This frees you up to work on what actually helps with your workload.


Here at Officense we offer barrister phone answering services as well as a plethora of other services. Do you need an office or conference room for a day? How about getting your mail more accessibly – while insuring that it always has someone there to sign? Is your website lacking or perhaps missing entirely? We can help you with all of that and more.


For more information about the services that we offer, please check out our website or give us a call at 410-814-7500. You are also more than welcome to come and visit us in person at 300 East Lombard Street, Suite 840, Baltimore, Maryland 21200.