As an Investment Advisor, your job is to manage your clients’ money and other financial assets. You select things for them—like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds—and then buy, sell, and monitor them within different accounts, in keeping with your client’s investment goals. With you having to manage all your clients’ money, you don’t need the extra distraction of managing your call handling as well. That’s what Officense is here for. Get exceptional phone answering services from our fully-trained team of executive assistants.

With our phone answering training, we will greet your clients in a friendly manner and project a professional image for your investment advising company. Per your instructions for call handling, we have multiple resources to offer the clients that call for you. We are able to screen your calls, connect them to a member of your team, send them to voicemail, and/or take a message on your behalf. When you choose to work with Officense, we will ensure your clients are heard, understood, and guided accordingly. We have plenty of options for your phones. You can set them to be answered during normal business hours. Or get calls round the clock with HiLivePro, our 24/7 call answering service, all with our live staff.
Don’t worry about juggling between managing calls and money for your clients. We know you already can feel strapped for time without those lengthy calls interfering. Here, we focus on delivering a level of phone answering service unmatched by any other business’ phone answering service. You can be instantly connected to your clients from anywhere in the world! Never miss a call from a client again with Officense by your side. We are here to help you create a balance at your investment company, and in turn your life. Contact us today: or 410-814-7500. We’ll talk soon!