Civic League Admin Services

Can you be described by this sentence from Lake Shores Neighborhood? “A non-profit, neighborhood organization whose primary goal and interest is the improvement and quality of life in the neighborhood.” If so, why not start by improving YOUR quality of life first and foremost? This way you can focus on the neighborhood around you. Civic league admin services are services designed to make your life easier, so you can make everyone in the neighborhood’s life easier.

You have a lot of contacts to keep track of. From your fellow neighbors, to your fellow league members, to the government employees and officials that you work hand in hand with to see to the issues that arise. That takes a huge effort on your part to keep everyone straight and to keep track of all of the relevant data. With civic league admin services though, that database can be managed for you. All of the information at your fingertips with none of the headaches involved.

Then there is the scheduling. Meetings, while useful and productive (some of the time 😉 ), are difficult to schedule and can be a tiring headache too. Then there’s trying to keep track of the notes from the meeting. Why not have someone else do both? Have someone take the minutes of the meeting for you (and the other participants) to look back on. Have someone else deal with the headache of trying to get all of the different peoples schedules to align.

Your phone probably rings off the hook too! Between call backs from scheduling meetings to neighbors with complaints when do you have time to manage your own affairs? Get a doctor’s appointment scheduled, go to the spa, do a hobby or enjoy a trip with family. When can you do that? Have someone else answer the calls for the civic league and your phone will be freed up for you to use.
Contact Us
Officense can help with all of the above and so many more things. Please, give our website a look, send an email to for more information or give us a call at 410-814-7500. You can also drop in and visit us in person at 300 East Lombard Street, Suite 840, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. We look forward to talking with you!