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Civic League Phone Answering

So, you are a non profit organization whose net earnings, as meetinc.org says ” are devoted exclusively to charitable, educational, or recreational purposes. “. While you are working with different charities, educational pursuits or recreational pursuits you are busy and often times interacting with people via telephone. How do you handle all of the work involved in keeping everything straight? With a civic league phone answering service of course.


Instead of dealing with telemarketers and spam calls you could be speaking to the people you need to, when you need to! Instead of playing phone tag with someone because you are on another important call, they could be speaking to a live representative of your company instead. With a civic league phone answering service you gain trained receptionists to deal with things you don’t want to. They are also there to present a better face for your organization.


With Officense, you gain highly trained receptionists who are there to represent you when you can’t be there. We answer the telemarketer and spam calls so they do not interrupt you. We can answer the rest of your calls and ensure they go to who they need to when they need to. Your organization will make a much better impression with a friendly voice on the line instead of a recorded message. If you need or want a call to go to person X, we have you covered. We can also help people reach your voicemail if you are otherwise occupied. A civic league phone answering service is but one of many we offer our clients.

Other Services

Please see more information about other services that we offer on our website. These are things such as mail services, address services, customized business services, offices, and conference rooms for rent.


We look forward to speaking with you today! Just call our number, 410-814-7500. Our website and customer service are available at Officense. You can also email us at info@officense.com or come on down to 300 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202.