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Collections Agents Needs, The Censible Approach

You might be wondering why I “misspelled” sensible. The answer lies within the rest of this blog post. As a collections agent you deal with a lot of paperwork, phone calls, and information. That takes up a lot of your time and effort. Please continue reading to find a sensible approach to your collections agents needs.


As a collections agent you spend a lot of time trying to track down and communicate with debtors, typically by phone. Jobhero.com says ” This requires patience and diligence as collections agents frequently deal with debtors avoiding their phone calls or quickly hanging up once they realize the call is an attempt to collect a debt.” While you are making the outgoing calls to reach your debtors, who is handling your incoming calls? What about if you are currently on a call with a debtor? Well that’s where you get censable with your collections agents needs. That’s cense as in OffiCENSE and able as in able to help you.


Speaking of phone calls, where are you making them? Are you making them from a home office, a place where you can get interrupted by family? How about a cafe, fast food place, or a public park? All of which are noisy. Are you in a big building all by yourself? Perhaps you are using shared space and in cubicles. Those can be quite noisy. Collections agents needs are both similar and different to many other businesses. However, you can still take the censable approach.

Legal Mail Handling
Mail Sorting

Business Services

Do you have a lot of paperwork to deal with that needs to be faxed or even simply sorted? Do you not have the time to do it yourself or the money to pay for a secretary? Take the censable approach to having your collections agents needs met.

The Censable Approach

With Officense, you can take the censable approach to all of the above issues. We have well trained executive assistants that are ready to help with all of your collections agents needs. From answering the phone for you in a professional courteous manner to faxing and sorting papers, we are here for you. We also have private offices that are affordable and afford you the privacy and quiet that you need to conduct your daily business.


For more in depth information on how we here at Officense can help with your collections agents needs, please contact us at 410-814-7500. You can also check out our website or email us at info@officense.com. Of course, should you desire, you are always welcome to come in and speak to us in person at 300 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202.