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Coworking Space Near Me

We’ve all been there, searching Google for “Coworking Space Near Me” or “Office for Rent” but in these times of Covid-19 we are ever more leery of actually acting upon any of the offers that we find. Do you want, or perhaps need coworking space near you? Are you nervous about dealing with Covid-19 and worried that the spaces available may not be taking precautions against it? Do you want more space than the average coworking space can give you? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please continue to read. You may find the solutions just a few words away.

Virtual Office near me


Are you looking for a space that is for coworking but still provides excellent precautions against Covid-19? Here at Officense, we offer you individual private offices with great views, superb receptionist services, and a kitchen all available for use. You can rent the offices by the hour or you can rent them on a more permanent basis. This provides you with quite a bit of protection as you are in your own private space, but it still offers the amenities you are used to.


Most of the advertisements you would get through searching Google for “coworking space near me” or “office for rent” will just offer you a desk in a room of other desks. Or it may offer an office, but no receptionist. If your receptionist is voicemail then you need to fire your receptionist and gain a new one. If your office is in a room of other desks then you need to find a way to isolate yourself while still being close to others. That way you are safer from Covid- 19.

Coworking Shared Kitchen
Coworking space, shared kitchen, free coffee

Contact Coworking Space Near Me

For more information on the various services we provide; office space, phone answering services, receptionist courtesies, conference rooms and more, please see our website. You can also give us a call at 410-814-7500. We are also available by emailing info@officense.com or by coming on down to our premiere Inner Harbor location in downtown Baltimore. 300 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202.

Coworking Space Near Me