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Executive Assistants for Startups

Do you own a start up? Is your receptionist your voicemail? Have you ever heard someone say that you can never find a good assistant (because if so, they were wrong)? If you have answered yes to any of these questions then please read on to find out more about executive assistants and startups.

Decisions Decisions

Being the owner of a start up company can be frustrating, worrying, and quite hectic. It’s probably one of the most volatile times in a businesses life. It can also be the time where a business will make it… or break it. During this time you have decision after decision to make, oftentimes with little warning. Why not make some of your decisions a bit easier? Reach out to Officense and get help with executive assistants for your startup. We also offer website building, many back end processes, and even mail handling.

Voicemail or Live Answer?

If your voicemail is your receptionist, it is well past time that you fired them. Talking to a machine is disgruntling to many. It makes them less inclined to want to do business with you, and far less inclined to call back. Why not have a real person be your executive assistant and receptionist? Then you put your clients at ease and they want to call again. Use an executive assistant to make your startup shine. It is human nature to want to interact with other humans. As the National Institute of Health says “Humans are inherently social.” So, if you want more clients and to retain the ones you earn, having a way for them to be social can only help you.

How Hard is it Really???

Do you think it really IS hard to find a good assistant? Have you been looking for a while and finding none that are truly excellent? Why don’t you try Officense. We are a company that prides itself on having phenomenal executive assistants. Our training is way above par and our executive assistants are ready to help you and your startup at any time. With Officense, you do not have to worry about finding a good assistant because you will have access to great assistants!


For more information about our executive assistants and other services for your startup please feel free to visit our website. You can also reach us at 410-814-7500 or by coming on down to 300 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. We look forward to hearing from you and hopefully seeing you soon!