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Family Practice Admin Services Near Me

If you’re running your own family practice, it should go without saying- you’re a busy bee. Fielding calls from patients, solicitors, telemarketers, insurance companies? That’s only a small part of the admin services that need done for a successful family practice, but they’re a HUGE hassle. Then throw in dealing with the day to day tasks, the back office end of your business.. before you know it, having a few extra helping hands is the only way to deal with it all. Well, let those extra hands be the hands of the incredibly capable and qualified staff here at Officense!

What Admin Services Can Officense Provide For Your Family Practice?

Live Answering Phone Services

Running any kind of medical practice is difficult. Fielding phone calls from current and potential future patients is time consuming. What your business needs is an executive assistant. Officense’s executive assistants will answer your calls, take messages from patients, and keep your schedule running smoothly. We can also forward annoying solicitors to your voicemail or connect you with the ones you want and need to talk to. And if you just don’t want to deal with those outbound calls? Let us take care of them for you. We can call patients and schedule/reschedule appointments, verify insurance information, or just relay any message you want. If you have multiple places a call should be transferred to, we can direct the call appropriately. So put your phone down, heck, turn it off! Actually, don’t. We might need to reach you!

Mail Handling Services

Any medical practice is bound to get a TON of mail. Before you know it, things are piling up, you’re missing the letters that are important, and it seems that everywhere you turn there’s junk mail staring you in the face. Let Officense take care of it! We can sort between the mail you need, and what’s junk. We can notify you of any mail or packages you receive, and we can forward any mail, to you, or anyone in the world!

How Do I Hire Officense?

We are located in beautiful downtown Baltimore, right by Inner Harbor. Give us a call at (410) 814-7500, or stop in and see us at 300 E. Lombard St, Suite 840 Baltimore, MD 21202. Come see all we have to offer!