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Flooring Contractor Phone Answering Near Me

It’s hard enough to run a successful flooring contractor company. The high volume of clients interested in getting their properties worked on can lead to a constantly ringing phone. All of that time spent scheduling estimates takes precious minutes of your working day. You could use those minutes more efficiently by actually working on the floors of paying clients. A Flooring Contractor Phone Answering Service might be for you if this sounds like your business.

Officense provides Flooring Contractor Phone Answering Services to many clients. Our receptionists can collect information about new and returning clients. They even screen solicitors to keep the business’s phone lines open to paying customers. These services could help you if you don’t have a receptionist in your office, or don’t have an office at all. They could also help if you want to keep your phone lines open for emergencies.

Having someone to field your calls is an invaluable aspect of any successful company. And, yes, receptionist services can be pricey. Salary.com claims that the average hourly wage for a receptionist is $18 an hour. This might seem lightyears outside of what you can afford. This doesn’t mean you are doomed to be bombarded with calls for the rest of your life, though. Being able to complete projects without being hassled by solicitors and robo-callers can be more than just a dream because with Officense, it can be a reality. If you’re looking for Flooring Contractor Phone Answering near you, Officense is the best choice.

Contact Us

If you still have questions, please don’t be shy and just give us a call at 410-814-7500. We’d be happy to give you a tour of our beautiful Inner Harbor location and introduce you to our staff. You can meet us at 300 E Lombard Street in Suite 840 down here in Baltimore, MD 21202. If you’re looking for flooring contractor phone answering near you, then Officense is here!