Officense has been partnering with and assisting different foundations for over 10 years, providing assistance with their professional communication and administrative duties. Our professional address, private offices/conference rooms, call handling, and mail processing services lend instant credibility to any foundation or organization. For example, customized scripts for phone answering provides full-time support while matching your call instructions. It gives you time to focus on your foundation’s additional responsibilities, while we filter your incoming calls and other admin tasks. And the best part about Officense’s services – you only pay for what you use.

Whether you run the foundation from home, or have to travel, important calls shouldn’t be missed. By choosing office assistance with Officense, you get our exclusive and customized phone answering services. For instance, your calls can be handled either during standard business hours, or 24/7 with Officense’s HiLivePro. This means that we’ll forward calls – according to your instructions – anywhere in the world at any time of day. For so many foundations, assistance from Officense with their call handling is the best solution for administration needs. We provide courteous, professional, and customized services to uphold the image you’ve built. Whether you need live call handling, consultation scheduling, custom call screening or more, we are the company to connect with.

While we have outstanding phone answering services, Officense has much more to offer in assistance to your foundation. Additional services offered include: on-demand admin support, appointment scheduling and management, bookkeeping and data entry, etc. We even offer one-on-one business consulting to those interested. To learn more about Officense’s phone answering and other custom business solutions offered, check out our Personalized Solutions page for non-profits and other foundations.
Don’t hesitate anymore about this decision. Officense doesn’t fluctuate like the other market trends, our services remain constant – even through the pandemic. Email or call to speak with an executive assistant or sales coordinator at or 410-814-7500. If you were thinking about dropping in to learn about our phone answering services firsthand, Officense is currently open Monday – Friday, 10 AM – 5PM. Our office is closed on weekends, but you can submit a contact request or chat with us anytime via the link on our website. Officense is keeping everyone in our thoughts during this crazy year, and will be here, ready to help your foundation along the way.