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Foundations Phone Answering

As a foundation, communication is the key to your survival. You need to communicate with your donators. Communication with the public is also necessary. You need to communicate with all of the interconnected businesses that keep you running. That involves a lot of phone answering. Foundations phone answering is a solution to help with the volume of calls that you need to deal with.

You do not need to deal with calls from telemarketers, spam calls, robot calls, or calls from any of the other ‘nuisances’ that we so often receive today. Through screening you only need deal with callers that you wish to speak with. If its a donator that is looking for how to donate, a foundation phone answering service can direct them to the correct methods. Calls that you need and wish to speak with are transferable to you or someone of your choosing. All of these things and more are available through such services.

Here at Officense we provide all of the above services. We have exemplary executive assistants who are superbly trained to meet your needs. With our services, you can receive a foundations phone answering service that is excellent at a fraction of the cost. You will have no need to train and hiring someone of your own. There’s need to worry about the person taking a sick day as you get the services of several executive assistants. All of this for less than paying an employee of your own. Your members also will never deal with long wait times. As study.com says “There’s nothing worse than calling for help and getting an automated recording that the wait time is 47 minutes.”

For more information on how you can obtain excellent foundation phone answering services of your own, please reach out to us by calling 410-814-7500, emailing info@officense.com or coming on down and introducing yourself at 300 East Lombard Street, Suite 840 Baltimore, Maryland 21202!