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Funeral Home Phone Answering Services

Funeral Homes can be very busy with the amount of calls coming in to schedule a funeral or a cremation, to buy a casket or a coffin, or even just with questions on the best burial plans. It can be hard to keep up with the sheer amount of calls without missing any. Does this sound like your funeral home, swamped with calls and unable to keep up? This is where we can help. Officense’s Executive Assistants can easily take the calls to lower the volume and make it easier to manage and give the proper information that the caller was looking for; professionally and swiftly. Our Funeral Home Phone Answering Services can be of help if you are having trouble with all those calls coming in.

Why Officense?

We at Officense understand that funerals are a delicate process and need to have a delicate manner when dealing with the grieving clients, we strive to provide excellent professionalism in our work and do our best work for our clients. We can empathize with the customers, and we will help them to our very best ability. If you need someone to answer the phone and provide the best burial plans your funeral home offers; we can answer those calls and get the appropriate information sent over to you in a simple message sent directly to you. We can also make record of each call so you never loose track of any information even if we sent a message first. Our Executive Assistants are trained to be diligent, have empathy for others, and to keep their attitudes professional at all times.

Contact Us!

If you are interested in our services reach out to us! You can contact us by phone at 410-814-7500 or by email at info@officense.com. Officense is located at 300 East Lombard Street, Suite 840 in Baltimore, Maryland 21202. We are within the inner harbor a few blocks away from the national aquarium. We look forward to seeing you and getting your Funeral Home Phone Answering Services all set up!