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Laboring Insurance Agents

Laboring as an insurance agent can be interesting. America’s Professor.com says “many modern insurance agents do not sell one specific type of insurance policy (fire, auto, homeowner, etc.), but instead sell multiple types of complementary insurance. For instance, an agent who sells flood insurance may also sell fire insurance and other disaster-related policies, as well as general homeowners insurance.”. It sounds like you need a lot of knowledge.


As an insurance agent, you not only have to know about all the different type/s of insurance that you sell, you also need to know your market. That requires a lot of research into the trends and demographics of the area/s that you work in. All of that research is going to require a lot of footwork. You’ll have a lot of information to look up as well as many, many phone calls to make.

Telephones and Offices

Another aspect of an insurance agent is getting a hold of the various potential and current clients that are available. This will have you utilizing phones frequently, as well as needing a place to meet them at that is professional. Both of these needs, as well as many others, can be met by Officense. We have professional offices in a prestigious inner harbor location that you can rent.

There is also the benefit of well trained receptionists ready to greet your clients for you. Those same receptionists can answer calls made to you and redirect them where you need them. While laboring to gather all of that information you will receive a lot of mail which needs processed. We can do that for you. This last is also important because even if you choose to work from home, you still need a professional address to list with Google and many other places as a registered agent.

End of Laboring Beginning, of a New Relationship

So on this Labor Day why don’t you take a break and give us a call at 410-814-7500. Alternatively you can email us at info@officense.com. You can even come on down to 300 East Lombard Street, Suite 840, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 to meet with us in person. Either way we would be more than happy to answer any questions you have about any of the myriad services we offer. Hopefully you’ll let us help you labor less on this Labor Day.