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For years small businesses have been unable to compete with big-budget marketing campaigns from larger competitors. Small businesses have been facing several marketing challenges. Marketing requires time, money, and resources and most of the small businesses do not have all of that especially at the time of forming a company. Today, however, small companies such as data processing companies can easily use plenty of free data tools to take advantage of local and niche targets through better segmenting and targeted marketing strategy.


As a small business, you may think there is no way to keep track of all this customer information and might feel you have no time to collect all the information that is necessary to shape your marketing campaign. Many small business owners are overwhelmed with the number of available advertising options today and are unable to determine whether to spend money on tv, radio, networking, or online ads.


You can’t afford to go out and hire a professional marketing consultant or you might not have enough time and marketing knowledge but what you can do is use Officense. There are many ways to track data, leads, and become more informed through the administrative services offered by Officense that is affordable by any small business owner. Here are some of the ways we can better inform your marketing decisions through our phone and lead tracking processes:

• You can have our staff compile a marketing log with all sources of new business inquiries.
• You can have inbound calls integrated with your CRM system and customer data input for each caller.
• You can have staff make follow up calls with direct questions about their experience, background, or specific product interest.
• You can have our staff collect inbound call lead’s email addresses to target through an email marketing campaign.
•You can have our staff track customer zip codes and area codes so you can target new business using geographic data.


The easiest way to begin focusing your marketing efforts and targeting customers is simply by collecting contact information. At the moment maybe you are answering your own phones, you don have enough time so you forget to collect all information for every call. So why not, have our executive assistants answer your calls to ensure every bit of information is collected. This phone, email, and address information can easily be converted into a direct mail or email campaign down the road.

With the proper support and help from Officense you will be collecting the right information and can use this data to inform your marketing decisions. With Officense by your side, no longer will you be unable to compete with larger companies and have to decide how to advertise. Instead, you will know exactly who your customers are, where they live, what they do, and what first attracted them to your business.

Stop wasting time and money on ads that reach the wrong audience! Call Officense today and start making smarter business decisions (410-814-7500)!