Member Database Management Services for Nonprofits

As a nonprofit business owner, you often face the daunting task of managing all of the data that’s involved in running a nonprofit. With all of the different beneficiaries, donors, and members, there is an overwhelming quantity of information to keep up with. Member Database Management Services can make this process a whole lot easier for non-profit business owners.
We here at Officense are here to help! We understand like no other virtual office service that nonprofits don’t run themselves. With these nonprofits members are essential to these organizations. Why not let us help you maintain your member database with our Member Database Management Services? How do we do this? Well… we create a website for your organization using a CRM system like Civi (Ex. Friends of Lorenzo – Preserving History and Promoting Community for Over 40 Years). This essentially helps us help you manage members, log leads, manage contacts, and synchronize information coming in. Everything you need right here and that just some of the services we offer for Nonprofits working with us!

Contact Us!
For more information on our Member Database Management Services, to speak with us, or to sign up today please give us a call at 410-814-7500. You may also view the information on our website or drop by our office at 300 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, MD 21202. We’d love to speak with you!