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Non-Profit Membership Services

A Contribution That Matters

A nonprofit organization is “A business that has tax-exemption status via the IRS because it furthers a social cause and provides a public benefit” according to investopedia.com. Donations given to nonprofits are normally tax-deductible to individuals or the businesses that made them. The nonprofit itself pays no taxes on the donations received or any other money raised through fundraiser activities.

Nonprofit Organizations You May Know!

Organizations are given the title of being called a nonprofit and claim tax exemption status. By the organization further advancing causes like religious causes, scientific, charitable, educational, literary, public safety, or cruelty prevention. A nonprofit must contribute to the public in some way whether it be through goods, services, or both. Nonprofits also are required to make financial and functional information for the organization public. So, that donors to the cause such as myself or you know where that money is going and how it’s being used.

What Does a Non-Profit Organization Do?

Nonprofits seek out donations in many ways. Whether it be fundraising through different events like bake sales, car washes, galas, and many other tools. On the flip side of the coin, there is a lot of work that goes into running these organizations. Nonprofits don’t run themselves. It takes a lot of hard work and effort from the heart. Heads or chairs of the organizations organize events, cash handle, manage rosters, create campaigns, handle mail, and the list goes on. With all these different things going on how can one focus on the mission at hand?

Come On In!

This is where we here at Officense come in to help! We offer Non-Profit Membership Services. Part of our Non-Profit Membership Services is we here at Officense can deposit membership dues, checks, donations, and pledges for your organization with ease. No more keeping up with this contribution or that donation. We can deposit it for you via the banking services your organization uses or chooses. We also can input it into a system like QuickBooks and track everything for you at the click of a button.



For more information on our Non-Profit Membership Services, to speak with us, or to sign up today please give us a call at 410-814-7500. You may also view the information on our website or drop by our office at 300 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, MD 21202. We’d love to speak with you!