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Nonprofit Mail Forwarding Services

Depending on the size of your nonprofit, and the work you do, it is possible that you are communicating with people all over the world. When it comes to corresponding with others, it is important that there is a clear and open line of communication. That is where our nonprofit mail forwarding services come in. These services will allow you to receive mail from anywhere in the world to one address. Then, we will sort and deliver the mail in a way that benefits you.

What does Nonprofit Mail Forwarding Service entail?

Like all of our services, your nonprofit mail forwarding service can be tailored to fit your needs. While we cannot control when the mail will be delivered, we do our best to keep you updated about the mail you receive. Your mail forwarding service can come with notifications as your mail comes in or on a particular day. The mail will be sent out on the schedule you choose. You decide if you would like your mail forwarded daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or bi-monthly basis.

What more should you know?

Our nonprofit mail forwarding services can benefit your organization in many ways. Whether it is making sure you only get relevant mail, forwarding mail you receive, scanning important letters to you, we can do it all. We have developed a detailed system that gives you what you need. Whether it is incoming or outgoing mail, we have you covered. Depending on the structure of your organization you may have a chance of being HubZone certified through your lease with us. Contact us today to learn more about our services and work with other nonprofits.

Sign Up Today!

Contact us today! Find out what services can best suit your needs. Call us today or inquire on our website! You can also schedule a tour to see the facility and become familiar with our team. You can also see how the other custom business services that we offer can work for you.