Optometrist Phone Answering

Are you an optometrist? Have you realized that you are spending far too much on a receptionist to answer your phones? Your clients have appointments and surely your technician can be spared to say hi to them when they come to the office…right? So why are you spending between $15,000 and $50,000 (per ZipRecruiter.com) a year on their salary when you could spend closer to $5,000 a year for the same thing? That, my friend, is why you need to get optometrist phone answering services.

Cost Effective
See, correct me if I am wrong, last I checked most clients get their eyes checked and then as they leave schedule the next visit. Right? All right, if you (or your technician) does that, then that just leaves the telephone itself. Why hire someone to answer a sporadically ringing telephone when you could get professional, pre trained, services that do the same thing for far less money (and no benefits needed!)? Save yourself the time (training) and money (benefits/pay) and look into optometrist phone answering services.

What We Offer
Here at Officense, we have top notch services and superbly trained executive assistants to assist you with every call. Do you need an appointment scheduled? We can do that. How about a call to find out when something occurs or for information? We can connect them to you or have them leave you a message. We even can screen out those pesky telemarketers and obnoxious robo calls! That’s only a fraction of what you get with our optometrist phone answering services.
More Information/Contact Details
We also offer other services such as website building, conference and office rentals, and address services. For more information about these or any of the other services we offer, please check our website. You can also give us a call at 410-814-7500 or come on down to our 300 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 which is located in the prestigious inner harbor.