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Physician Phone Answering

According to verywellhealth.com, a physician is a doctor with a degree in the medical field, “either an M.D. or D.O., who has completed graduate training to provide health care.” Medical field workers are always busy – in between accepting new patients, scheduling appointments, and updating information. Appointment setting and schedule management plays a significant role in developing efficient physician practices, and can also help with the high volume of patients. At Officense, our executive assistants can handle calls for you, allowing your staff to use their valuable time more efficiently. This could include scheduling initial appointments for a new patient, scheduling follow-up appointments for existing patients, or rescheduling missed appointments for patients. You don’t have to worry about handling the schedule or managing your calendar. Our office assistants are here to cover your call handling tasks for you.


One of the advantages of implementing a phone answering service is the ability to only take calls that relate to your specific department. Officense can work with your practice in setting up an effective call forwarding system that sorts all callers. Furthermore, you can customize a plan that fits your practice’s needs. With Officense’s HiLivePro, you’ll have a live staff at all times, for round-the-clock phone answering. So, whether you want calls only during regular hours, or you want to accept them 24/7, we’ll have you covered. You won’t have to worry about the hassle of getting too many calls with too little time to answer them.


At Officense, we have a fully-trained staff readily available to provide phone answering services for all of your practice’s needs. For any medical professional, a call handling staff is incredibly beneficial. At Officense, we aim to create a more efficient experience for your clients, and ease the workflow for the dentists. For more details, please contact us today by email at info@officense.com, or you can call us at 410-814-7500.