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SEO Services for Non-Profits

So, your non-profit isn’t popping hmm? You think it might be the SEO? You are, perhaps, looking for a solution to this? Well, as it so happens, so are a lot of people and here you can find some answers.

Targeted Marketing
Small business data services

SEO means search engine optimization. In layman’s terms that means how high up on the list will you pop if someone searches for something similar to you. Example. Search for burger joint. Which pops up first, McDonalds or Burger King? As it so happens, neither. As you can see here, the first thing on my Google list is a local burger joint. Why? Because they got their SEO up higher than the competition.

Now, if you would like a hand getting your SEO up higher than the competition, you have come to the right place. Here at Officense we can help you improve your SEO score as well as myriad other business services. Perhaps you need help with your customer retention, or maybe just going through mail. We help with both of those and so much more.

Do you need a business address? How about live phone answering? Perhaps you just need help getting started as a non-profit or someone to help build a website for you. Maybe you just need an office to start working out of that is not next door to your kids bedroom or a conference room to talk to supporters from. We can help you with all of those and many other services too.

For more information on all of the services that we offer, please see our website. You can also give us a call at 410-814-7500. You can also send an email to info@officense.com or come and meet us in person at 300 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. We’d love to hear from you!