Stir-Crazy with Covid-19

We’ve now been in various states of stay at home for nearly two months now. During that time, many of us had to learn how to work from home, work in an office by ourselves, and otherwise practice social distancing. Humans are, by nature, social creatures. Having the separation from others of our species like this tends to fray our nerves, stress us out, and otherwise diminish our health and happiness. As this article says “We are social animals. We crave contact with others for support, wellbeing and entertainment.”

Health and Happiness Loss
As modern-day technology has spread like wildfire through our lives, our social interactions have diminished. Adding in Covid-19 to that and we now sometimes don’t see anyone for days at a time…and then only though a window as they pass by walking their dogs. Our social skills are being hit, our happiness and health are being punished, and our work can suffer from lack of proper office space.
Social Distancing Got You Down?

Do you still want to obey the social distancing aspects of Covid-19 but want a bit more of a lively feel around you? Are you bored to tears of seeing the same walls day in and day out? Do you long to hear another humans voice, even if its another room over? There is a way you can do that. All you need to do is rent office space from Officense.
The Solution

We have many office spaces that you can rent for a large variety of times from hourly to monthly and more. We also have conference rooms that can be utilized for video conferencing among other things. Our receptionist staff are here to help in any way you need, from organizing photographs for homes for sale, to taking minutes at a virtual meeting, to printing out copies for you, or forwarding your mail we can do it all.
Contact Us!

Please give us a call at 410-814-7500, visit our website at Officense, email us at, or don your mask and come meet us in person at 300 East Lombard St. Baltimore, MD 21202. We look forward to speaking with you soon and helping improve your health and happiness (as well as your work productivity!).