Technology Specialist Phone Answering

As a technology specialist you have a lot of things on your mind. You have to keep track of all of the people that you deal with on a day-to-day basis. You also have to keep track of all the new things that come out for your field. Dealing with the various networks and programs that fall into your field is also a must. With all of this to keep track of, do you really want to have to worry about your phone too? Technology specialist phone answering may be the solution.
Important Duties
As states ” One of the most important duties is to provide all the necessary assistance to the users round-the-clock. ” To do this, you often times need to be accessible by phone. One way or another anyways. But no one can truly be accessible 24/7 by phone or any other way. Its not conducive to good health. So how do you balance it? Why, have a technology specialist phone answering service in place to help you stay accessible and let you get the rest that you need and deserve.

At Officense we can help you do that. We have top of the line, well trained, executive assistants. They are ready to handle your calls, and many other matters, with the professional courtesy that you want and need. Whether you need someone to take down the information of what has gone wrong where. Or if you need to get appointments scheduled. We are here for you as your technology specialist phone answering service.
Other services we offer are extensive and can be found on our website, listed below, for your perusal.
Please contact us at, by email at, by phone at 410-814-7500, or come on in and see us in person at 300 East Lombard Street Baltimore, MD 21202.