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Trade or Professional Association’s Phone Answering

According to the Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Trade association, also called trade organization, a voluntary association of business firms organized on a geographic or industrial basis to promote and develop commercial and industrial opportunities within its sphere of operation, to voice publicly the views of members on matters of common interest, or in some cases to exercise some measure of control over prices, output, and channels of distribution.

Like any other professional’s, there’s a lot of back-and-forth communication between your clients, partners, and other businesses which can lead to missed information. Don’t worry about missing important calls, Officense can manage all your calls. Communication and business process outsourcing with Officense can help you ensure that all communication and front-end business needs are fulfilled in a very professional and effective manner.

Business Phone Service

If you give clients your office phone, there’s a risk you’ll miss the call if you have to step away from your desk. On the other hand, giving out your cell phone number could really put a kink in your positive work/life balance. That’s the reason Officense gives you the tools you need to take your business with you. With our Trade or Professional Association’s Phone Answering service, we provide a dedicated business number, plus the ability to present menu options to all your callers and connect them to anyone in your company. Officense has your time management solution at the ready with their highly trained virtual assistants

Our on-site virtual assistants greet your clients in a friendly manner and project a professional image for your company. We answer and screen your calls, per your instructions, then announce and connect the call to the correct member of your company, anywhere in the world! Our virtual assistants will use your shared calendar to set appointments for your business while collecting a detailed set of information for you to better asset your clients’ needs before scheduling appointments. Finally, our assistants can provide lead tracking on your scheduled appointments for your marketing department.

We use, intuitive thought to anticipate your customers’ needs and what is important to your business. That’s the added value of Officense, we can even classify your appointments for more complex scheduling. Don’t let disorganization affect your business. Let Officense keep you on track for business success!

For more information please call 410-814-7500 today!