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Virtual Office Assistant: Work hard, Play Harder

Any boss or employee can relate to the Monday blues after a weekend of relaxation. Some may muddle through Tuesday, the second Monday- less gloomy but a reminder that we haven’t quite made a dent into the week yet. Next, Wednesday, glorified for its symbolism of finally overcoming the Midweek hump. Thursday, the prelude to Friday which may set the tone for your weekend in my opinion, your local virtual office assistant.

Alas, we have journeyed throughout a hectic week in the office dealing with those never-ending phone calls and administrative tasks.  Just as you’re ready to close up shop, your phones begin to ring off the hook and every Boss knows a missed call is a missed opportunity. What are your options? So, you take the calls because your business is synonymous with reliability. The time is now 6:30 and have successfully handled everything, finally ready to start your weekend plans- or lack thereof.

Every Hard workers Dilemma

Too often us worker bees, from top management to front line support staff, forego finite resources such as time doing the little important things that can easily be delegated to afford more time managing more important tasks or even allowing time for simplicity.

Maybe you’re a boss that’s more direct and hands-on with every task, even that worth delegating. Or perhaps you’re like many employees and employers unaware of options available to your company and how these options can automate and elevate operational procedures and time allocation.

Here at Officense we want to help paint a new picture for your business unlike the portrait of a traditional office structure. Together, we can paint a portrait that’s more colorful and interpretative to be whatever you see fit for your companies tailored needs. Why wait for Thursday to feel that pang of excitement in knowing that our designated 2-day recovery period is approaching…slowly?

Take control! Determine and qualify the options available to you. It’s 2019 and maybe it’s not ideal to be “working for the weekend”, even if everyone else is doing it.

How can Officense’s Virtual Office Assistants help manage the time of a Business owner?

Back to that picture we began painting:

Maybe you don’t need an office space for routine use, but rather a temporary office space to simply hold meetings with clients as needed. Or perhaps you have the need for an office for a couple of days to work on that proposal. At Officense we have Day member agreements that allow you to instantly rent an office space at very little cost.

Or maybe you don’t need a physical business front as many businesses venture into e-commerce. Allow us to aid in those virtual office administrative tasks from answering your live inbound calls and re-routing the calls you actually have time and want to take. Delegate scheduling, billing, mail handling and forwarding, and tailorable similar tasks to us, your local virtual office assistant.

At Officense, we train our local support staff and executive assistants to provide customized business communication support tailored to meet each individual company’s needs. Contacts us now to learn more about how we can help you and the people you serve!

We can provide your business with:

  • Unique company DID phone number
  • Tailored call flows and greetings, appointment scheduling capabilities
  • Live answering and announcing
  • Specialized Call Handling Procedures
  • 24/7 phone answering services
  • Solicitation call buffers
  • Mail forwarding
  • Call routing
  • Payment processing and administrative services
  • After hours phone answering services, etc.
  • Officense leaves room for flexibility with add on a la carte services that can be determined on an as need basis.


At Officense our goal is to help business owners and entrepreneurs determine the type of co-working space and customized communication support your company might need. We are here to help you!